About ICM Learning Roadmap

The ICM (Infocomm Media) Learning Roadmap provides ICM club members with training to develop skills in various infocomm areas.

Duck Learning has been selected by IMDA to run the FULLY-SUBSIDISED relevant programmes for primary schools, secondary schools, and junior colleges. All programmes come in online and offline versions.

Here is an overview of the programmes/roadmaps we provide!

No.ProgrammeLevelProgramme LengthRef. CodeTool/Platform
1Roadmap 3 - Game Development (Offline)Primary24 hours BaseGD-DL-POFScratch 3.0
2Roadmap 3 - Game Development (Online)Primary24 hours BaseGD-DL-PONScratch 3.0
3Roadmap 5 - Robotics A (Offline)Primary24 hours BaseRB-DL-POF1  LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
4Roadmap 5 - Robotics A (Online)Primary24 hours BaseRB-DL-PON1CoderZ
5Roadmap 5 - Robotics B (Offline)Primary24 hours BaseRB-DL-POF2micro:bit
6Roadmap 5 - Robotics B (Online)Primary24 hours BaseRB-DL-PON2CoderZ
7Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A (Offline)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseAI-DL-SOF1PictoBlox & Google Collaboratory
8Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A (Online)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseAI-DL-SON1Databot
9Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A (Offline) Add-OnSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnAI-DL-SOF1-ADDDatabot
10Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A (Online) Add-OnSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnAI-DL-SON1-ADDDatabot
11Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence B (Offline)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseAI-DL-SOF2PictoBlox & Google Collaboratory
12Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence B (Online)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseAI-DL-SON2PictoBlox & Google Collaboratory
13Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence B (Offline) Add-OnSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnAI-DL-SOF2-ADDmicro:bit & Google Data Studio
14Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence B (Online) Add-OnSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnAI-DL-SON2-ADDmicro:bit & Google Data Studio
15Roadmap 10 - Data Analytics A (Offline)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseDA-DL-SOF1Databot & Arduino IDE
16Roadmap 10 - Data Analytics A (Online)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseDA-DL-SON1Databot & Arduino IDE
17Roadmap 10 - Data Analytics A (Offline) Add-OnSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnDA-DL-SOF1-ADDArduino IOT Explore
18Roadmap 10 - Data Analytics A (Online) Add-OnSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnDA-DL-SON1-ADDArduino IOT Explore
19Roadmap 10 - Data Analytics B (Offline)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseDA-DL-SOF2micro:bit & Google Data Studio
20Roadmap 10 - Data Analytics B (Online)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseDA-DL-SON2micro:bit & Google Data Studio
21Roadmap 10 - Data Analytics B (Offline) Add-OnSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnDA-DL-SOF2-ADDArduino IOT Explore
22Roadmap 10 - Data Analytics B (Online) Add-OnSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnDA-DL-SON2-ADDArduino IOT Explore
23Roadmap 12 - Internet of Things (Offline)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseIOT-DL-SOFArduino IOT Explore
24Roadmap 12 - Internet of Things (Online)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseIOT-DL-SONArduino IOT Explore
25Roadmap 12 - Internet of Things (Offline) Add-onSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnIOT-DL-SOF-ADDmicro:bit & Google Data Studio
26Roadmap 12 - Internet of Things (Online) Add-onSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnIOT-DL-SON-ADDmicro:bit & Google Data Studio
27Roadmap 14 - Robotics A (Offline)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseRB-DL-SOF1LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Education
28Roadmap 14 - Robotics A (Online)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseRB-DL-SON1CoderZ
29Roadmap 14 - Robotics A (Offline) Add-onSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnRB-DL-SOF1-ADDArduino IOT Explore
30Roadmap 14 - Robotics A (Online) Add-onSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnRB-DL-SON1-ADDArduino IOT Explore
31Roadmap 14 - Robotics B (Offline)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseRB-DL-SOF2LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
32Roadmap 14 - Robotics B (Online)Secondary/JC24 hours BaseRB-DL-SON2CoderZ
33Roadmap 14 - Robotics B (Offline) Add-onSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnRB-DL-SOF2-ADDArduino IOT Explore
34Roadmap 14 - Robotics B (Online) Add-onSecondary/JC12 hours Add-OnRB-DL-SON2-ADDArduino IOT Explore

If you are not sure which programme is suitable for your students, please do not hesitate to:

- Email us at learn@ducklearning.com or;

- Whatsapp our Educational Consultant, Murtaza, at 9752 5201 or;

- Fill in our contact form at the bottom of the page and we will email you in 2 - 4 working days

How To Select a Programme

Step 1.
Fill in our contact form

Step 2.

Step 3.
Programme Confirmation

Step 4.
Detail Submission to IMDA

Step 5.
Free Programme Commences

Primary School Level Roadmaps

Click on tab to view roadmap/programme info

This tab contains info of the following:
1) Roadmap 3 - Game Development | Offline | Add-on 12hrs
2) Roadmap 3 - Game Development | Online | Base 24hrs*

**In case of switch to home-based learning announced by the Government

Reference Code: GD-DL-POF

Roadmap 3 - Game Development | Offline | Base - 24hrs

Suitable for children aged 7 - 12 years old


  • About: 

    This course invites students to create interactive multi-player games through the use of block-based programming software, Scratch. At the end of the course, students will walk away with computational thinking skills, basic coding skills and 21st century skills such as communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration.

    Total Curriculum Time: 24 Hours

  • Project Work: 

    Students will create design and create their own game (with minimal guidance) taking into consideration game mechanics that will keep the game interesting for the player.

    They will:
    1. Include a concurrent multi-player mode for at least 2 players
    2. Include score-keeping
    3. Include a game environment
    4. Include audio e.g. background music, sound effects
    5. Include at least 1 playable character and 1 non-playable character

    Students will document their process. Extension:Students who are faster will be challenged to include more levels of difficulty in the game or adding more elements to the game. 

  • Software Required:

    Scratch 3.0 App

  • Hardware Required:

    Laptop/ Desktop:1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit16 GB for 32-bit OS or 20 GB for 64-bit OS"

Reference Code: GD-DL-PON

Roadmap 3 - Game Development | Online | Base - 24hrs


  • About: 

    This course invites students to create interactive multi-player games through the use of block-based programming software, Scratch. At the end of the course, students will walk away with computational thinking skills, basic coding skills and 21st century skills such as communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration.

    Total Curriculum Time: 24 Hours

  • Project Work: 

    Students will create design and create their own game (with minimal guidance) taking into consideration game mechanics that will keep the game interesting for the player.

    They will:
    1. Include a concurrent multi-player mode for at least 2 players
    2. Include score-keeping
    3. Include a game environment
    4. Include audio e.g. background music, sound effects
    5. Include at least 1 playable character and 1 non-playable character

    Students will document their process.

    Extension: Students who are faster will be challenged to include more levels of difficulty in the game or adding more elements to the game. 

  • Software Required:

    Scratch 3.0 App

  • Hardware Required:

    Laptop/ Desktop:1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit16 GB for 32-bit OS or 20 GB for 64-bit OS"

If you need more information,
please contact our educational consultant Murtaza at 9752 5201
or fill in our contact form at the bottom of the page.

*Secondary School/JC Level Roadmaps

Click on tab to view roadmap/programme info

This tab contains info of the following:
1) Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A | Offline | Base 24hrs
2) Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A | Offline | Add-on 12hrs
3) Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A | Online | Base 24hrs*
4) Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A | Online | Add-on 12hrs*

*In case of switch to home-based learning announced by the Government

Reference Code: AI-DL-SOF1

Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A | Offline | Base - 24hrs


  • About: 

    Students will code AI systems. Learning to mimic human senses. Students will create projects that showcase Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. In the end, students will be able to navigate the intricacies of coding AI, comprehending ethics, and implementing solutions using Pictoblox and Google Collaboratory IDE.

  • Project Work: 

    To create a Computer Vision system that detects and sorts different types of trash.

  • Software Required:

    - Pictoblox
    - Google Collaboratory

  • Hardware Required:

    - Laptop or Desktop
    Intel Core i3-2100 Processor
    (3.1GHz/1333MHz with L2-3MB)
    2GB RAM
    250GB HDD ROM
    802.11abgn 2x2 (Dual Band)

Reference Code: AI-DL-SOF1-ADD

Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A | Offline | Add-On - 12 hours


  • About: 

    Students will learn Data Analysis. Students will learn about Setting Goals, Data Collection, Data Cleaning, Data Exploration and Data Evaluation. Students will be able to solve business related queries/strategies by analyzing data and coming up with a conclusive set of actions to take. Students will understand how this can be applied in the real-world. 

    Total Curriculum Time: 12 Hours

  • Project Work: 

    To determine if global warming can be slowed down by switching to fans instead of using the aircon

  • Software Required:

    - Microsoft Excel 2016 or better
    - Arduino IDE 1.8.13
    - Google Data Studio (online)

  • Hardware Required:

    - Tool: Databot kit

    - Laptop or Desktop
    Intel Core i3-2100 Processor
    (3.1GHz/1333MHz with L2-3MB)
    802.11abgn 2x2 (Dual Band)

    - Databot Device

Reference Code: AI-DL-SON1

Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A | Online | Base - 24hrs


  • About: 

    Students will code AI systems. Learning to mimic human senses. Students will create projects that showcase Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. In the end, students will be able to navigate the intricacies of coding AI, comprehending ethics, and implementing solutions using Pictoblox and Google Collaboratory IDE.

    Total Curriculum Time: 24 Hours

  • Project Work: 

    To create a Computer Vision system that detects and sorts different types of trash.

  • Software Required:

    - Pictoblox
    - Google Collaboratory

  • Hardware Required:

    - Laptop or Desktop
    Intel Core i3-2100 Processor (3.1GHz/1333MHz with L2-3MB) 2GB RAM
    250GB HDD ROM
    802.11abgn 2x2 (Dual Band)

Reference Code: AI-DL-SON1-ADD

Roadmap 8 - Artificial Intelligence A | Online | Add-On - 12 hours

Suitable for students aged 13 - 18 years old


  • About: 

    Students will learn Data Analysis. Students will learn about Setting Goals, Data Collection, Data Cleaning, Data Exploration and Data Evaluation. Students will be able to solve business related queries/strategies by analyzing data and coming up with a conclusive set of actions to take. Students will understand how this can be applied in the real-world. 

    Total Curriculum Time: 12 Hours

  • Project Work: 

    To determine if global warming can be slowed down by switching to fans instead of using the aircon

  • Software Required:

    - Microsoft Excel 2016 or better
    - Arduino IDE 1.8.13
    - Google Data Studio (online)

  • Hardware Required:

    - Tool: Databot kit

    - Laptop or Desktop
    Intel Core i3-2100 Processor
    (3.1GHz/1333MHz with L2-3MB)
    802.11abgn 2x2 (Dual Band)

    - Databot Device

If you need more information,
please contact our educational consultant Murtaza at 9752 5201
or fill in our contact form at the bottom of the page.


Yes! Our team will try our best to arrange a demo session with you at your convenience.

You can fill up our contact form or drop an email to learn@ducklearning.com to let us know that you are interested in a demo session.

Unfortunately, you cannot opt for online options unless the Government announces a switch to Home-Based Learning (HBL) for schools in accordance with the national Safety Management Measures (SMM).

We can offer you online programmes outside of the ICM Learning Roadmap scheme. Contact us if you are interested.

Please fill up the contact form down below or email us for prices at learn@ducklearning.com.

Our educational consultants will share the prices with you.

You can drop an email to learn@ducklearning.com and our educational consultants will direct you to similar programmes that we can run for you.

As we are partners to the brands and the exclusive distributors of the tools used for the programmes, you can let us know if you require more sets for various reasons.

We will try our best to fulfil your requirements.

You can contact us or check out our official webstore: www.ducklearning.com/pages/webstore

Contact Us

Quotation & Finance Matters

Email: learn@ducklearning.com

Tel: 6747 4236 (Fazela)

Programme & Curriculum Matters

Email: murtaza@ducklearning.com

Tel: 9752 5201 (Murtaza)

Logistics & Delivery Matters

Email: learn@ducklearning.com

Tel: 6747 4236 (Shan)

STEAM Ecosystem Resources

Transform Teacher Bonding Days with Duck Learning

Feb 06, 2025

Duck Learning offers unique team-building experiences for educators, blending LEGO® Education and Quarky AI activities to boost collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving. Our tailored programs ensure a fun, engaging, and impactful bonding day that helps educators strengthen their teamwork skills and brings valuable lessons back to the classroom. 


Jan 22, 2025

Transform your child’s education with expert consultancy services in Singapore. We offer customised STEAM programmes for all levels, inclusive support for special needs students, personalised tutoring, and professional development for educators. Nurture critical thinking, problem-solving, and lifelong skills for academic and career excellence.

10 个必备的机器人工具和套件

Dec 23, 2024

Explore a range of robotics toolkits designed to enhance STEAM education and inspire students to develop essential skills for the future. Duck Learning offers high-quality kits such as the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime, Quarky Ultimate Kit, and Arduino sets, all tailored to meet curriculum standards in Singapore, the USA, and the UK. 

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